Monday, March 23, 2009

Barack Obama Sucks at Presidenting

OK, I'm calling it: President Barack Obama has jumped the shark. Less than two months into his presidency, he became the first sitting president to appear on a late-night talk show. Coincidentally, he was also the first sitting president to dis the Special Olympics on a late-night talk show. What was his appearance on Leno supposed to promote? The stability of the American economy? In an ideal world, what would Obama have gained from a stumble-free appearance? He didn't use the historic moment as an opportunity to say anything new or particularly reassuring, and more than half the interview was taken up with "So how cool is Air Force 1?!" and "So Portuguese Water Dog, huh, that sounds like a lot of fun."

But even that wasn't as bad as his LonelyGirl15-style webcam chat with Iran. The president does not need his own YouTube channel and Facebook page. He has a fucking press corps assigned to follow him every day: we don't need him twittering, too.

Gawker does a great job picking apart Barack's appearance on 60 Minutes this weekend here:

Judd Gregg, who Obama tried to select as Commerce Secretary, has become one of the administration's loudest critics. Remember how Tom Daschle was supposed to finally get every American health care? Well he can't now because he sucks at paying taxes and Barack's team sucks at vetting.

Does Barack Obama have any idea how to do his job? Or even an idea of what his job should be? Or are we going to have four more years of smiling, artful speech-making, and dancing on Ellen?

We all knew he didn't have any executive experience prior to this, so maybe we should cut him a little slack. But honestly, when the biggest changes you've made as the "change" president are casual dress in the Oval Office, Michelle's sleeveless dresses and plans for a vegetable garden on the White House lawn, can we really be blamed for wanting something more substantial to come out of the White House? We haven't closed Guantanamo yet. Haven't reduced troops in Iraq or figured out a strategy for Afghanistan. Or come up with a plan for the economy other than more of W's "throw money at it" theory.

I don't know anything about Jimmy Carter or why Jimmy Carter gets such a bad rap, but in the sense that nice guys shouldn't be president: I think we've got ourselves another Jimmy Carter.


Bradley Glisson said...

I really feel like you've jumped the shark on calling jumping the shark.

First off it's day 62. Secondly I fundamentally disagree with pretty much every one of your points about him doing a supposed bad job. The Leno appearance was 100percent substance minus the last set of questions, and in that interview he reached 20million people in an attempt to inform them more on his economic policies. And while on that trip he was holding town halls taking questions from everyday Americans, something that allows citizens to be more connected with their government.

I think the youtube message to Iran was a great decision. Sure maybe the rulers of Iran don't buy in but it buys good will with the people of Iran and also it allows us to go to NATO at a later date and say "See we tried" and we'll have more political capital to impose sanctions should we need them. And who knows, maybe actually opening up a line of dialogue with them can allow for positive things to come. Never hurts to try.

Healthcare doesn't rely in the hands of one man and he's still going to get it through. That's why he's alloted 600billion dollars in his budget to lay the groundwork for such a program. So just because Daschelle's out doesn't mean healthcare is out.

And plans are in progress to close Gitmo within 1 year as it can't be closed in a day...He's implemented a detailed strategy to have all combat troops out of Iraq in 18 months and all troops period out by 2011...the Afghan strategy will be laid out within the next 2 weeks (seeing as the NATO conference is coming up soon)...he's got stuff in the new budget for clean energy and improving our education system. And the stimulus package he got passed has tons of money for improving our infrastructure, modernizing our medical records, and money funneled to the states to prevent the layoff of teachers, firefighters, and cops, and to help ease the pain on the unemployed.

The man is following through with every one of his campaign promises and consequently I think he's doing a damn good job.

RYAN! said...

I forgot about the brackets, too. Talk about a waste of time. He's diminishing the office in every way imaginable. All that's left is to play himself on an episode of CSI.

The appearance on Leno wasn't substantial because there was no new information or reason for appearing. Barack gets to take over network TV airtime whenever he wants, and has been doing just that. The President of the United States doesn't need to go on Jay Leno's show to have a platform to reach Americans. And he doesn't need a YouTube video wishing Iran "Happy New Year" to get the attention of Iran.

There's good stuff in the stimulus package, I'll give you that. But the Leno shit is just weird.

Bradley Glisson said...

I think the Leno/Brackets/Iran Happy New Year is just all part of his style. He's a personable, sports loving, optimistic, intellectual. Some people are even cracking on him for smiling and being in a good mood while on 60 Minutes...well the guy's pretty much always in a good mood and smiling on tv. Sure there was nothing new that he said on Leno but by going on there he was able to reach a different audience.

As for the "Barackatology" I see nothing wrong with that either. What's wrong with the Pres taking 20minutes out of his day to make some tourney picks? The majority of the nation is tuned into the NCAA tournament so why pretend like the President isn't tuning in as well. I saw an interview with the guy on ESPN who did the brackets with him and he said that Obama walked into the room from a national security meeting, spent 20minutes doing brackets, and then went straight to a fiscal policy meeting. So it's not like he took the day off to do it.

The man may be President but he's still allowed to enjoy himself a little in between the moments where he's trying to fix the country. And I think the fact that he's so out there is pretty cool, reassuring, and effective. He's a restless soul and not some hermit who never leaves the White House. He plays basketball with friends, he takes his wife out to dinner once a week, he goes to see plays and concerts, he shows up on Leno to do an interview, he holds town halls to take questions from American citizens, his wife invites inner city kids over to help plant her garden with her and goes out to nearby schools to read to children, Obama goes by Walter Reed to visit veterans, he's on tv at least once a day speaking on climate change, or torture, or fiscal policy, or whatever, he takes a break around 6 every night to have dinner with his family, and then heads back to work into the wee hours of the morning, and then gets up in the morning and hits the gym before doing it all over again. I think if anything he's elevating the office of the presidency.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I think Ryan's just pissed Obama went on Leno, and not Letterman.

I think we need to give President Obama a little more time in office before claiming he's "jumped the shark."

Our country is facing unprecedented banking failure and there's no easy way to fix it, so it hardly surprises me that it hasn't happened over night. Again, it's going to take time to close Gitmo and bring troops home. I believe it's Ryan's lack of executive experience that leads him to unrealistic expectations of what ANYONE in the government can do.

Change is happening, it's just not complete.

Bradley Glisson said...

There's a really good South Park episode that addresses this. Half the town is terrified of what'll happen if Obama wins, half the town (especially Randy Marsh) is out thinking change is going to happen over night...Obama wins, the McCain people hide in a cave so as to avoid the incoming catastrophe, Randy Marsh and the Obama people are partying the night away yelling "CHANGE"...then morning comes, the McCain people come out of their cave to realize that the world still stands, and the Obama people wake up drunk saying "where's the change".

RYAN! said...

Brad, Matt, you both make some really good points and have helped me to narrow the focus of my disappointment in the leader of the free world. I think individually the bracket thing, the Leno thing, the giggly 60 Minutes appearance and the YouTube shout-out to Iran would have been fine -- but as they happened in such quick succession it felt like a tipping point and I wanted to mark the date so to speak.

I think Barack's still infinitely better than the alternative was and think he still has a shot at making real lasting, important improvements to the American way of life. But I also think that advertising himself in the same way a celebrity promotes a movie or Britney Spears promotes a concert tour or teen girls work out their Twilight lust diminishes the office and is worth saying "Really? This is how the most powerful office in the world operates now? OK..."

Bradley Glisson said...

Well add to your list of "ways he's advertising himself" the online town hall he's hosting Thursday morning streamed live from the website. Questions are sent in by citizens, citizens vote on the questions they want him to answer the most, and then he's going to answer them.

I just hope that he keeps keeping himself out there. He goes on Leno and breaks things down in Lehman's terms so it's easy for the American populus to understand...then he goes on tv tonight with his press conference and speaks wonkishly about the issues, even debating the difference between 2.3% and 2.6% GDP growth. I'd love for him to hit up Jon Stewart to talk to the college crowd, then a sitdown interview with Erin Burnett of CNBC to target the business community, and Univision to target the Mexican populus. Variety is the spice of life you know...

RYAN! said...

I guess I'd rather not see him at all because he's at his desk or in a meeting trying to figure this shit out instead of doing what Joe Biden or Tim Geithner or a press secretary should be doing.

Maybe he really is a super-ninja multitasker and can handle the extraordinary speaking schedule. But, you know, actions speak louder than words, even live-streamed ones.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Perhaps he's just a wee bit overexposed these days...

RYAN! said...

What a sarcastic jerk

JlikeBoB said...

I've kind of always felt it was too much; progressive, keeping up and using emerging technology, call it what you will. It's a turn off and it's largely the reason why a lot of popular culture is a failure.

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