Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blogama - TV

30 Minutes of Prime Time Television.

What was ABC running?

Formerly Prime Time...


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I missed Prime Time Obama last night, plan on watching it later today. I DID, however, catch an 11pm rally with Obama and Bill Clinton in FL last night. I must admit there were times where I was clapping in the room.

I think we're going to win this.

Bradley Glisson said...

When they showed that old black man playing guitar and his wife is stretching her arthiritic knuckles out, and then he says "I had to go back to work to pay for her pills" and he puts on that Wal-Mart hat...oh man my eyes filled up with tears.

RYAN! said...

My favorite part was towards the end, with Joe the Ford employee reading a book to his daughter. He was pointing to an illustration and said something like "Look she's a ballerina, that's what you wanna be, ain't it?"

If we can carry the ain'ters, we might have a shot.

JlikeBoB said...

hahahahaha, Ryan...such a good point.

Brad - "there must be lights..."