Sunday, October 12, 2008

Decency in the McCain Campaign

Looks like he retained some of his honor, trying to tame the flames he earlier fanned. None of this would be an issue if the American people weren't so dumb!


Straight Talk on McCain said...

Watching these videos, you start to get the feeling that even McCain might be starting to wonder, “What kind of monster have I created?” I wonder if McCain, when he is alone and being reflective, asks himself, “Are these people really supporting me because I have good policies, or because they’re racists, bigots, terrified because I have made them terrified because of what I’ve allowed to be said about Obama on my behalf, etc.” I wonder if deep down McCain isn’t just a bit saddened by what his supporters are doing and saying.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Oooo, a visitor.