Monday, January 5, 2009

The change has come (She's under my thumb)

The new senator from Minnesota does a pretty awesome Mick Jagger impression.


Bradley Glisson said...

Holy shit, what a great impersonation! Minnesota is such an awesome state. They've produced great legends such as Mr Perfect, Prince, Jessie Ventura, and now Franken. Great state.

JlikeBoB said...

...and of course the DJ himself...Bob Dylan

Bradley Glisson said...

I always want to attribute Dylan to Illinois. When I took the tour of the Sears Tower and went into the observatory at the top where you can look out over the city and read about all the history and celebs of the state, they have tons and tons of shit about Dylan up there. It's almost as if they consider him an adopted son or something.

Kevlarg said...

Nice! Well played senator.

Just please don't ever post any links to O'rielly attempting anything similar should something like that ever surface.

Happy New Year everyone!