Monday, June 8, 2009


Turn and face the strange! I was less than thrilled with the old blog layout, because all the YouToob videos were cut off on the edges (UPDATE: They're still cut off, but not by as much). Hopefully we'll have better luck in this format. I also turned the lights on and made this mother white. Hope it doesn't hurt your bloodshot eyes. Finally, I kicked Dalton off the blog because I don't trust anyone over 40.

Feel free to complain in the comments section. Also if someone wants to create a new banner, I'll put 'er up. Not sure what the dimensions are, but if you figure it out lemme know.


JlikeBoB said...

Brad works now, I like the white and the Ch ch ch ch ch ange in my pocket.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

He works now? What kind of excuse is that? Did he become an investment banker working 18 hour days?

That's right, Brad, I'm calling you out!

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

i dig the white, while my machine and i have very little patience for the you boobin' . . .

JlikeBoB said...

He was just in LA at that Gaming Conference, where they announced Beatles Rock Band. I'm waiting for the post...