I was at work when I heard the news... Of course I was skeptical to what I was hearing, wasn't he was about to embark on a European tour?
When I was a little kid the movie "Moonwalker" was one of my favorite VHS tapes to watch. My sisters and I loved the music, the music videos, and the outrageous dance moves. Undoubtedly the man who invented the moonwalk deserves a lot of credit.
I guess my last tangible Michael Jackson experience was from the early Richmond days, watching his music video collection on DVD. Lucas owned the DVD, and since we didn't have one miserable channel on our television we'd watch The Man in the Mirror instead. Fond memories looking back on it, though I probably wasn't "thrilled" at the time.
Ah-hee-hee in peace, Michael.
A fitting Jack-O-bituary
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