Friday, May 9, 2008

So Cool

I always think of you guys when I write something at work. Here's my most recent nod:


NathanaelMcDaniel said...

ha. that is cool. i've always seen an interesting tell in a collection of broken decanters and shot glasses . . . a sort of weighing of the pits or who's got it roughest bit.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

"pulled the head off Elvis."

great line.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

even better visual.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

. . . as for taste, well i guess that just depends on how hard one lives one's life.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I do want a Decanter now. Preferably an Elvis one.

RYAN! said...

My grandma hillary has a shelf full of decanters in the shape of Kentucky Derby-winning horses.