"Another good technique that's been circling around the internet for a few days is The Ganzfeld Procedure. It sounds like a Tintin adventure, yes, but it's really quite unexotic. All you do is cut a ping-pong ball in half, put 'em over your eyes, lie down, and put the radio on a static channel. Eventually, due to the lack of sensory stimuli, your brain will come up with its own shit to entertain and engage you. People see horses and talk to dead relatives and stuff. And all that costs you is the price of a ping-pong ball! And a radio, I guess, if you don't have one. Though if you don't have a radio you're probably in worse shape than most and probably shouldn't be spending your time getting ping-pong high anyway. "
As many of you know, I've also been listening to a lot of hip-hop lately. No, not that Kanye West bullshit, I'm talking 'bout my man 2Pac! In several on his songs he references "sherm." My favorite song I Ain't Mad at Cha, 2Pac raps, "On the block with ya glock trippin' off sherm." Given my inquisitive nature, I went to Urban Dictionary and found out it was:
"SHERM is a cigarette dipped in formaldahyde, which is embalming fluid. It is not PCP. A sherm stick will run you ten dollars per cigarette in LA, and you will probably have to provide your own, so make sure it's a 100 type cigarette. If it's a good one, it will be soaked and probably wrapped in aluminum foil. Do not drive and smoke a sherm stick. It is a lot like being totally drunk on acid and meth at once and lasts several hours."
Ten bucks? That's affordable!

1 comment:
Drugs were the first thing to go on my end once the economy tanked. I've been out of work since November and still no sign of employment yet, it's quite sad, but seeing as 3 million Americans lost their jobs last year it makes me not feel quite as bad. And the one lyric that runs constantly through my head is the line from Alabama's "Song of the South" where he says "Mr Rosevelt gonna save us all"...and I just keep thinking "Mr Obama gonna save us all".
As for the sherm topic, and the formaldahyde vs PCP debate, I've always read that embalming fluid and formaldahyde were street slang for PCP. Or that in some situations they mix the two and then do the dip, but I'm not completely sure.
I do however remember as a kid buying a blunt from school and bringing it home to smoke....as I was puffing my uncle goes "This taste like some embalming fluid shit I had once"...we finish smoking and I got all cold and my mind was all shades of fucked up. So the next day at school I asked the dude what was in it and he said PCP. So, I'm not completely sure on the debate.
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