Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"We Don't Take Shit From Nobody, You Got That Asshole? AFSCME"

What a congressman Richmond, VA has! For anyone who isn't aware of the Clark Kent look alike, Republican House whip Eric Cantor, he's a fucking dick. And not only is he a dick but he's considered the "white whale" of the Republican party because he's a republican jew. Well now Mr Cantor's in a bit of a brew-haha for a profanity laced web video he's started circulating, details below, video above...

"The union coalition AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), along with Americans United for Change, started running ads targeting Cantor for encouraging Republican opposition to the economic recovery plan. The House whip reacted with an ad of his own, depicting AFSCME workers as curse-spewing bullies."

1 comment:

RYAN! said...

This video's been around for a while. Seems like poor Congressman Cantor is getting a bum rap just for forwarding a funny YouTube clip.