Is this really news? I don't mean any offense to the Pasley family and their poor daughter, I just hate reading headlines like this, especially when this is CNN.com's top story. Hopefully this article will bring awareness to the issue, and a way to break cancer news to children in a "good" way will be discovered. No?
You get to meet Jesus sooner than you thought honey!
CNN is good for stating the obvious just like FOX is good for the false lead in. "Rod Blagojevich still isn't talking about the Fitzgerald investigation. What is Gov Blagojevich hiding, and what dirt does he have on Barack Obama. That and more with Dick Morris when we come back on Hannity & Colmes."
Well, it might not be news, but it seems like it's a helpful form of public service. I can imagine that story would create a welcome feeling of, "Oh, I'm not the only one going through this," for someone in a similar situation. Just like stories covering people getting their homes foreclosed or losing their jobs, it's not neccessarily breaking news, but it's an issue some people can relate to.
Well it shows that really the family actually only tried one way (the 'ole "we've got a big surprise" method), then decreed that there was no good way... Call me an optimist, but I'm still hoping for a better way.
Any headline you see on CNN.com you can have made into a tshirt if you like. So you could walk around the streets of NY sporting a "No good way to tell kids they have cancer" CNN tshirt!
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