A friend recently pointed this UFO Detector to me on Amazon.com The product reviews are laugh out loud funny!
***** Astonishing, it works!, January 7, 2008
by E. Jackson
"At first I was a bit skeptical of this product, since my last experiments with UFO Detectors had failed. But I was amazed when the product arrived, and even before I had taken it out of the box, a giant blue Police box landed in my backyard! A scruffy man with a brown trenchcoat told me his gravitational flux capacitor had registered my UFO Detector, and that I needed to be careful with it. I said thanks and waved goodbye, then walked out into a large field. To my amazement, I found a giant spaceship belonging to a man named Han Solo. He called it the Millennium Falcon and offered me a ride, but at that moment my UFO Detector went off real bad, and I turned around to see a giant ship crashing into the ground. A blue alien came out and complained that Moya wasn't running too good. I helped this woman and her crew fix the ship and waved goodbye to all the aliens. Exhausted I went home. And THAT was just the first day! I have had this UFO Detector for over a week now, and have discovered amazing UFO's with it. A giant bug ship named Lexx, , Another strange ship with two buffoons named Lister and Rimmer, and The Star Trek Enterprise! OH MY GOSH! I highly recommend this UFO Detector to anybody who wants an amazing adventure. It's Great! "
by E. Jackson
"At first I was a bit skeptical of this product, since my last experiments with UFO Detectors had failed. But I was amazed when the product arrived, and even before I had taken it out of the box, a giant blue Police box landed in my backyard! A scruffy man with a brown trenchcoat told me his gravitational flux capacitor had registered my UFO Detector, and that I needed to be careful with it. I said thanks and waved goodbye, then walked out into a large field. To my amazement, I found a giant spaceship belonging to a man named Han Solo. He called it the Millennium Falcon and offered me a ride, but at that moment my UFO Detector went off real bad, and I turned around to see a giant ship crashing into the ground. A blue alien came out and complained that Moya wasn't running too good. I helped this woman and her crew fix the ship and waved goodbye to all the aliens. Exhausted I went home. And THAT was just the first day! I have had this UFO Detector for over a week now, and have discovered amazing UFO's with it. A giant bug ship named Lexx, , Another strange ship with two buffoons named Lister and Rimmer, and The Star Trek Enterprise! OH MY GOSH! I highly recommend this UFO Detector to anybody who wants an amazing adventure. It's Great! "
The rest of the reviews are just as great.
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