Look on the bright side, Myspace suicide!!! I just deleted my Myspace account (though I was told it could take 48 hours to take effect). Does that mean I'm in myspace purgatory? I hadn't logged into my account in over a month, and missed it little. I started seeing it more as liability than anything else. I wonder how many people/strangers stumbled upon my page, and read what I was about? I'd much rather someone stumble upon this blog, than my retarded myspace page full of what bands I like, cool pics of me, and my astrological sign... I don't know, maybe I'm just getting older, and having my computer remind me I have 179 friends just isn't as appealing as it used to be... Or maybe I am just tired of Rupert Murdock and his evil empire, I want nothing to do with it. I'm sure you know, that old bastard owns Myspace. Rupert's biographer was recently quoted saying:
"...I think it is--if you’re on MySpace now, you’re a [expletive] cretin. And you’re not only a [expletive] cretin, but you’re poor. Nobody who has beyond an 8th grade level of education is on MySpace. It is for backwards people." (source)
Hahaha! Plus everyone knows Facebook is waaaaay better. See you there!
You know I have to partially agree with you Matt. I thought heavily about deleting my Myspace account a few days ago but Bruce Springsteen talked me off the ledge. In the past week he's sent me a free MP3 of the first single off his upcoming record, and then two days ago he debuted the video to his newest single "My Lucky Day" on there. Several artists have even started posting their albums in full on Myspace before they're available in stores. So for the musical aspect and discovery of new music I've decided to stick with my Myspace account.
But...with that said...Myspace aint what it used to be. I remember the days where you could log on, do a browse, find an entertaining broad, strike up a conversation, and then set up a date. Hell you could even log on and find a scraggler for a night of fun if you wanted. I've found pot connections, high quality skanks, friendships, and top notch gals that you want to take home to meet the family. But those days have passed as Myspace has become like the Abercrombie and Fitch of the internet. Everytime I visit someones page there's so many flashing graphics that my browser goes comatose. And while I'm waiting for the back button to start functioning again I'm being bombarded by the latest shit single from the radio. Not only that but there's so many underage gals that claim to be 21, while being 16, and looking 19 that I feel like a pedophile after I've browsed through their spring break pictures before realizing "hey, isn't that the underage X from a club on her hand?".
Also of note is that the cool folks seem to be taking Matt's advice and shutting their 'Space down, or turning it private so you can't even stumble upon them in the browse anymore.
So with all that said, thank you Rupert Murdoch for ruining my Myspace experience.
I love your pervy myspace stories, Brad. I also appreciate your support.
yea...it wasn't for the music factor...I'd be long gone. And I hope you all have fun in Facebook.
I can see where you're coming from, Seger. Without a myspace page, musicians don't show up on the map. The Swaggards really should have manipulated their page more, but alas, none of us could afford the internet at home! Good times. How was the show the other night? Sorry I couldn't make it, I was kinda under the weather and it started kinda late (for a school night).
Yeah, although I have a Facebook account, it still really doesn't do it for me. If I was in college I imagine it'd be pretty cool, but I'm just really not feeling it. I would sit here and say that I wish someone would make a cool social networking site, but as soon as they do it'll become overrun like all the others have. So I think Myspace is the best vehicle still, but just like the auto industry they need to retool.
Get rid of all the bots and fake profiles. I'm tired of seeing friend requests from the same blond chick in thong straddling her bathroom counter. Also get rid of the kids, that shits not only not cool but it's dangerous. And thirdly, Myspace pages aren't supposed to be a recreation of pimp my ride. What's wrong with the standard myspace page layout. I don't need to see spinning rims and 4 rap videos playing at the same time when I visit your page.
And yes, the Swags should have had a myspace page. Also they should've had a proper album, and the Chinese New Year video should've been posted online somewhere, but alas, at least I got to see em live on several occasions. Hell, I broke my Swaggard cd out the other day just to listen to "Anarchy in the USA" and "Dancin, Dancin".
brad, you have a new friend request...
Lucas you have a new friend...
You guys and your spaces...musn't fall behind now...
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