Monday, February 4, 2008

Idiot Wind

The Black Eyed Peas' frontman, songwriter and producer known as, along with director and filmmaker Jesse Dylan, son of another socially active musician, Bob Dylan, released a new song Friday...

This has gotten me more confused than ever about who to not-vote for in 2008!


Bradley Glisson said...

The speech kinda chokes me up to be honest. And hearing Scarlet Johansson sing makes me pretty excited for her Tom Waits cover record. Hope she does 'Semi-Suite'.

Todd S. said...

Was that the girl from "The Departed" in there?

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Yes, the girl from Departed was on there. Also I have mixed feelings about this video. It's kinda cool I guess all those people are there to support their "man," but kind of me thinks it was pretty, pretty, pretty cheesy. Ugh, yes we can? Maaaybe later, but for now I just want celebrities to stop telling me who to vote for. suck it.

JlikeBoB said...

I'm gonna have to go fully negative on this video, just straight up not very cool.

Bradley Glisson said...

I hate to be the voice of dissent here but here goes. First off I think in an election this close it can have an effect. I read that it's already gotten several million views, been shown on all the morning talk shows, and you can't buy free media like that on the eve of an election. Also I like the celebrity endorsements. Here are people that we admire and respect for there art (well the ones like Scarlett and Herbie Hancock, ect) so when I see Robert DiNero stumping for Obama, or hear that ScarJo is going door to door in Minnesota, or that Forest Whitaker and Ed Norton are making phone calls to voters, or that Larry David is going to universities to speak to kids I appreciate the fact that they're using there voice to speak out for something other than themselves, for a cause they truly believe in. But most importantly it's all about the speech he gave. Resurecting the great call of Cesar Chavez, "Si Se Puede (yes we can") that he used to rally the Latino workers in the 60's. The talk of something bigger than healthcare, or taxes, or party lines. Talking about unity, coming together, dreaming, having hope. For all of my life (and I imagine all of yours since we are roundabout the same age) politicians have promised what policies they can give us, and if they had enough votes in congress then they were able to deliver. But now we have a man that is asking for our help because he knows that when the nation speaks congress has no choice but to listen. Like The Boss so greatly said, 'you cant start a fire without a spark' and finally we have someone whose lighting that spark in the American people once again.

RYAN! said...

If this video is making a difference in getting people to show up at the polls, then I'm moving to Canada. I don't want Americans casting ballots based on ScarJo's thumbs-up and a reggae-remixed stump speech.

It's also important to remember that Obama had nothing to do with this: he didn't make the video, didn't ask for it to be made, and he probably didn't even write the speech.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Brad, I agree that it's fun to get excited about a canidate, especially one worth giving a shit about, BUT that video reminded me of a GAP "Red Campaign" commercial.

Bradley Glisson said...

I dont think the video completely changed people's minds but I think it's free advertisement and can make them take a second look on someone. I mean 30 second ad spots on tv work so I figure this works on some folk. From the posts I've read on this blog I'd reason to believe that we are all high minded smart thinking individuals, so a video like this wouldn't sway us. But if you listen to Black Eyed Peas records all day long, or are a ScarJo fan, and you see this, you might go watch some youtube clips of his speeches and read his policies and be swayed.

I mean in 2000 Bush sent out push poll calls saying John McCain had an illegitimate black child, and it worked! Hillary sheds a tear in the snows of New Hampshire and it works. The LBJ 'Daisy' October surprise worked. Maybe sometimes voters are on the fence and just need that final push.

by the way, it does look kind of like a RED commercial.

JlikeBoB said...

The good ol' celebration of American idiocy. No wonder the Europeans laugh when you ask them, "what do you think of America." Artists should use 'their voice' to make better art and to teach others their craft. I'm unmoved.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

made my way to this one . . . i don't get it. did this have something to do with the super bowl? maybe it was a pitch for the next "been there, down that" rolling stone cover? i wouldn't bank on finding an artist on television. is this television? i've been trying, but have yet to find this great-white-hope-of-an-obama. i mean really, has inspiration ever been a part of this game?

Bradley Glisson said...

Every few years in politics we get the story of John Henry vs. The Machine. Paul Tsongas, Gary Hart, Bill Bradley, Howard Dean, ect. Unfortunately most times, like the story, John Henry dies at the end.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

have you ever used or heard "john henry" in reference to the infamous main male organ? caught wind to that one the other day. thought it was great.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

have you ever used or heard "john henry" in reference to the infamous main male organ? caught wind to that one the other day. thought it was great.

Bradley Glisson said...

John Henry as a cod reference? Now that's a new one! I would go look it up on urbandictionary but I'd much rather hear your explanation. Heard of 'Mandingo' but not John Henry.

JlikeBoB said...

In my locker room jock talk experience, I've heard too many nicknames for too many personal things. "Hey Seger Time, did you beat up any hole last night?"

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

john henry: the extent of the almighty capable man! add a touch of racial innuendo and folk-lore you might find the term to be very fitting.