Thursday, March 6, 2008

McCain Clinches, Dems Still Dicking Around

"I assume that dog voted for Obama?" Oh that's not right, people! Painting Bill's face (!) with the ickiest of poo poos. Is that dog German, I mean, WTF?! Can I get a, "that ain't right?!" Still makes me giggle, he-he.

So it looks like we're up against 'ol John McCain. Bring it! He doesn't scare me one bit. First of all, he isn't really one of the super bad, neo-con Republicans like DeLay, Bush, etc. He seems to have a head on his shoulders (albeit a very, very old head). Again, I kinda default to, "it could be worse." *cough*BUSH*cough* I think McCain would end the war in Iraq during his term.

Who do I want to answer the phone in the White House at 3am? Hillary. Obama. Obama? Hillary? I have no idea how the hell this is going to pan out. Looks like Obama is going to win with the delegates, but Hillary, you know, don't count her out. The Clintons have been the leaders of the party. People are still loyal to Hil and Bubba. They could find some way to win it... or maybe Obama will rally his people together and go all the way? It would be nice to not have a Bush or Clinton running the show. And least Republicans don't seem to hate Obama like they do the Clintons.


Bradley Glisson said...

Watching these two slug it out is better than reality TV (cant wait for the circus to come here to Carolina). Hillary can't mathimaticaly overtake Obama's pledged delegate lead so her only hope is to get the Superdelegates to overturn the will of the people. Which if that happens they'll be riots at the convention ala 1968. Gas up the car and head for Denver cause the Pepsi Center's going to be on fire! Maybe litteraly.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that after the Supreme Court picked the president in 2000 we're seeing similar archaic voodoo shenangigans muddy the presidential process for the Dems this year. Hopefully Florida and Michigan will get a revote and whoever's leading in the popular vote by Convention time will be the nominee. The will of the people is still far from clear.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I think if the required number of delegates is not reached by either party, it should just go to whoever has the popular vote. I don't think MI and FL should get re-votes. They're rule breakers and were being punished. We shouldn't reward those backwards states now with giving them another vote.

Bradley Glisson said...

Ed Rendell, Hillary supporter and Governor of Pennsylvania, said on Meet the Press this morning that even if Obama has the popular vote, pledged delegates lead, and most states won, that Superdelegates should still go with Hillary because she wins "the states that matter". What a joke. If I lived in Iowa, Virginia, Georgia, Missouri, Wisconsin, or any of the other states that she claims 'dont count' then there's no way in hell I'd vote for her in the general. At most she'd win 51% of the vote so therefore we'd be stuck in the same squabling that we are now. Whereas Obama can perform well in all 50 states which would help down the ticket getting Senators, Congressmen, and Governors elected. He could bring in a true Democratic majority where as Hillary will play the same red state/blue state strategy that Kerry and Gore lost with. Last thing we need is the whole election coming down to Florida again. Those bastards can't get an election right to save their lives.