Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Forward

It's that time of the year. I LOVE Daylight Savings Time. I LOVE leaving work and it still being light out. Can you believe some people don't like Daylight Savings Time? Jerks.

Here's something you'll all enjoy... In celebration of Jay Segertimeradio's arrival to New York City, I have decided to make everyone a mix cd compiled of 100% New York musicians. It's not super diverse, no Duke Ellington or Biggie Smalls, just music I had on my computer. I will bring some of the cds to Jay's show on Thursday. If you don't expect to be there and would like one, just email me ( your address and I'll send you one. Rock on, you crazy diamond.

Radical Links
-here Time Out of Mind
-here No Site is Safe
-here Bjork Ruined It for Everyone (Everyone meaning Chinese people)

1 comment:

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Brad, I don't have your address. If you want a cd, email me. Who's the jerkmeoff? Catch me on 107th St. We can take this to the streetz.