Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Serve the Servants

Rolling in his grave?


JlikeBoB said...

wow, not sure how I feel about that. I do have chucks

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Well my person Jesus (Kurt Cobain) never wanted to sell out, would hate himself for it. At the same time, he didn't completely steer clear of money and fame. Maybe if someone would have told him back in '93 that he'd have a Converse shoe made in his honor, he would have stuck around longer? He did pass away wearing a pair of Converse One Stars. A little too ironic (especially when this is mostly for Courtney Love's gain)?

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

..but honestly, how hard is it to buy your own chucks and draw on them? Been there...

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

yeah, i was thinking . . . now even the freedom in boredom has been claimed, bought, and sold. the man's most visually defining moment was of that shoe. one star, for sure! "not only have i found nothing better to do than lean over and color on my shoes, but they've already been colored for me." imagine how that feels. the misfits, weirdoes, and last picks used to paint originality with each breath they took. now, they stare, react, and kill. any old mrs. hoop bound by the policy of fear is an ugly, hellish scene.