Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bono's Speechless

Gallagher admits the rockers had upset Abbey Road bosses by "blasting out Beatles records at four in the morning" and "doing loads of drugs" there.
But when he decided to record Oasis' new album, Dig Out Your Soul, at the former home of the Fab Four, he took advantage of U2's famous deliberating and bribed Abbey Road bosses with cash.
He tells Mojo magazine, "U2 were booked in there with (producer) Rick Rubin. I was like, 'U2? U2 have to have a f**king six-hour meeting (to discuss) whether to get tea or coffee in the rehearsal room! They are not coming in here any time in the next five years.'
"The guy from Abbey Road was like, 'I've got it block-booked for the exact time you want it.'
"We actually went down to Abbey Road with a bag of money, and said, 'We can pay for the studio now!'"

I love the Gallaghers: New Album


Justin Baker said...

And then they punched each other in the face and spit on the reporter following them. I love these guys.

JlikeBoB said...

'scuse me, the Ledge

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

good save, there.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I love me some Oasis, but the U2 bashing is not necessary. Keep in mind Bono saved Africa, people.

lucy lawless said...

and he's the record

Justin Baker said...

Right, Bono and Bill Gates single handedly developed “creative capitalism” where you can buy an 8 megapixal phone, in a stylish red nonetheless, and save poor people in Africa with AIDS.

See...commercialism and capitalism are for the good of all human beings.

JlikeBoB said...

By all human beings, you mean one gets to eat this week, the other gets to upload sweet photos of themself at Applebees!