Monday, July 28, 2008

Too soon!


NathanaelMcDaniel said...

i heard about this one, sure to be funny up top. josh brolin'll be nice. i just hope it taps into something a little more compelling than its obvious immediacy, not to mention the O.Stone factor. hardly a fox he is . . .

Bradley Glisson said...

For heavens sake PLEASE let this come out before the election.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

i'd imagine the potential empathy would serve a pleasant farewell . . .

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I will undoubtedly see this movie, and probably love it. George Bush is by far the biggest fuck up of a president America has ever had. It just seems everything he touches turns to shit. It's almost magical, in a way.

This movie will prove badasses are fun to watch, but shouldn't be running the "Free World."

Bradley Glisson said...

George Bush the tragic character I love. I love his "with Jesus and the love of a good woman I turned my life around" mentality. I love that he was a Yale fuckup, owner of the Texas Rangers, and ran a successful oil company into the ground. I love how he's used fear and corruption to acheive what he believes is best for the country. I love him on the bullhorn after 9/11 shouting "You can't hear us but we can hear you". I love ALL of that if it was a work of fiction. But it's real, and we're living thru it!

lucy lawless said...
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lucy lawless said...

well at least barack will get a fair start day 1 as president: $-482,000,000,000.00

JlikeBoB said...

Um, I heard about this one too, and the Oli Stone association...I too hope it will truly tap into something a little more compelling, or else I'd rather pass it off to the usual cast of Stiller-Ferrell-Apatow, etc.

I found the W thing funny until a little while ago when I started realizing how much we haven't done, considering we can splice protons and neutrons you'd think we could prevent crains from falling off buildings. I'm not saying this is all Dubyas fault, but I think he DEFINITELY represents an entire genre of human that originated and rose to levels of power throughout the latter half of the 20th c. Instead of asking mom and dad, or aunt or batting, number 0, Oli Stone...