Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Lucas Laws Lexicon, Vol 1.

In stride with Meriam-Webster Inc.’s addition of more than 100 new entries in their newest edition, I wanted to offer up some of my own new words in my first edition of the Lucas Laws Lexicon:

mijority n. pl. 1. A race majority in a particular state or region that is outnumbered by the collective minority races 2. The collective minority races in a particular state or region that outnumber the majority race. I ‘member everythang was fine and dandy here ‘till them damn mijorities started actin’ like it was there country too.

facespace n. A slang conjunction used for referring to the two popular social networking websites, Facebook & MySpace, all in one. Lisa, you’ve been on facespace uploading Medieval Times pictures for the past 4 hours. Don't you see no one cares about your knight boyfriend!

stockton v.t. To give or render help to; relieve; succor. (coined after the NBA’s all-time assist king, John Stockton – 15,806 career assists) Did you enjoy that man? Good. You owe me, because I told the stripper I would kill her and her boyfriend if she didn’t give you a free private dance….Stockton!...right?


Bradley Glisson said...

Mijority is the best new political term I've heard since truthiness.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Lucas, you're hilarious!

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

dimwee v. Slang for the combination of "din't" and "we," most likely to be find in the Appalachian region of Maryland.

Hey, Matty, diwee have a good day today? Dimee we have a good time? - My mother

JlikeBoB said...

Lennonartney adj. Slang for those types of popular songs that combine both John Lennon and Paul McCartney elements