Thursday, July 17, 2008

House of Cards

Saw this and had to share...

Radiohead just released a new video for its song "House of Cards" from the album "In Rainbows".

No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes.

Watch the making-of video to learn about how the video was made and the various technologies that were used to capture and render 3D data.


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I happened to see this video yesterday (I can't see Jay's until I get home), and I think it's pretty great. It's not like lazer visuals are 100% pleasing to the eye, but they're fascinating to think about. And of course, cause it's Radiohead, great song.

RYAN! said...

I don't understand how they can say no cameras were used when obviously something had to record the laser show, right? WTF. I'll have to watch the making of.

RYAN! said...