Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

Wow, this is some shit-talking pro-Democratic propaganda! Reminds me of Democrats stooping as low as Republicans have in recent past. Can't we all just get along? YES WE CAN!


NathanaelMcDaniel said...

for god's sake, please save the fertility of a friday night! save the laugh! this is what makes national politics so god-damned boring . . . the cheek don't fit in the tongue. masturbatory.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I don't think "boring" is the word I'd use.

And this ad is kinda funny.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

it was funny! that was my point. i thought the (extreme) nature of its delivery was a bit confused. kinda milking the wit dry, don't ya think?

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Yes, it is just an amazingly awkward advertisement, especially since it's not like ALL Republicans are terrible people, like this ad would have you believe. It does go to show how many anti-populous stands the Republican party has made in recent years.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

that it does, and in that light i do see a legitimate piece of proaction. although, it's tone aint gunna bring the fence any closer.