NEW YORK — The devil, as they say, is in the details.
So when an astute stamp collector recently discovered that one of the Old Glorys in the U.S. Postal Service's "Flags 24/7" series appears to have 14 stripes, it was bound to send a wave of excitement through the philatelic community.
"Is there any icon better-known to Americans than their own flag?" said Fred Baumann, a spokesman for the American Philatelic Society. "This is something somebody should have caught along the way."
Good thing only 3.75 BILLION of these have been made!
This stamp will somehow makes its way into the plot of Disney's National Treasure 3.
"The founding fathers hid a clue to the location of a shitload of gold underneath the 14th stripe of the flag that Betsy Ross stitched"
"How dare they mess with the integrity...and the craftiness of the great 'Merican seamstress, Betsy Ross, a hero to aspiring women around the world." - Dubya
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