Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Study:

The Hipster Breakdown


lucy lawless said...

lots of those in richmond, alotta show but didn't see much underneath (except for brad). the difference with the people of This hipster generation is that it doesn't seem like they're collectively For anything. want to be different? try a new style for example:

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

ha! that article wouldn't even look me in the eye . . .

JlikeBoB said...


This guy is an asshole anyway. No one or nothing will ever hijack cool, he who thinks so, knows not!

Being in the epicenter, this article might interest me more than others, but yes Lucas you are right, lots of 'em in Richmond (i'm not sure brad was one). Even though I do agree that they aren't collectively for anything, which I think is a good thing, because exercising individuality I think is more important than being apart of a collective, I am glad to see that hipsters are slowly, but surely taking over and changing the aesthetic of normalcy. If they continue to shop at thrift stores, seek organic food, support the working class, then I'll look the other way while they do their thing. It also just goes to show that people will continue to be cynical about everything and anyone.

Let us continue to not play the game.

lucy lawless said...

yessir, look the other way. im not saying conform, im saying the hiPPies being collectively for equal rights and Pacifism was a good thing. i felt this article was unnecessary. but i'm a nihilist, i believe in nahsing.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

although i thought painting the hipster as the poster child for the "end of western civilization" was a little obnoxious, as with a lot of adbuster-ing ideas, i think the core criticism, or concern, is of a people who obsessively identify themselves with the shit they buy. figurative extremism has always been the adbusters approach, and you know, we are talking about oceans of "change" here . . . besides, i think steve jobs has got a little more than a tight pair of pants under his thumb.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Isn't Adbusters pretty much a hipster only magazine? This article was so meta (infinity is infinity).

I was reading an article about hipsters where everyone denies being hipster and doesn't care, yet at the same time they're ending civilization?

I'm feeling too hip to care what this author thinks. Why does he have to be such a hater?

You know what's really hip? 401K Plans, you should get one.

Anonymous said...

Although i enjoy many things about the generation before us, I can't help but think of the successive bend overs like viet-fuckin'-nam, suburban sprawl, materialistic and inflated capitalism, disco and then the 80's in general, the war on drugs, etc etc.

See, I can do it too!

RYAN! said...

If it feels good, do it, man. Unless it hurts somebody else. That's the founding principle of Libertarianism and also good fashion advice.