Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today I Went Ape Shit

So today after watching this video, I finally went off the fucking deep end. I've tried for weeks now to get someone from either the NC Republican party or John McCain's campaign to return my call. I've been nice, courteous, and polite, left my number on machines and with campaign officials, and still no call. So I just called the group that put this ad on and tried to stay calm, but halfway through I lost it, I started screaming and hollering on the machine, I'm sure obscenities flew out, but I did avoid the cliche' death threat.

But all that said I can't take this shit anymore. We can't keep electing these people in power. They have no Goddamn ideas. All they can do is gang up and attack. They're a bunch of pussies who spew venom and use trickery and scare tactics to win. This is not my America, and I doubt it's your America, but this is unfortunately what this country has become. And Goddamn it I can't take it anymore. I would never carry out an act of terror, but now I do understand why some would.

And please, before someone says "Oh it's just politics, don't get so worked up" well just stop. We've got soldiers overseas dying, folks in our own country starving, more homes in foreclosure than anytime since the Great Depression, folks like my parents living with no healthcare, and an economy that is on the verge of collapsing. And all they want to talk about is Paris, Brittney, Niggers, Messiahs, Charlton Heston, and 7 degrees of separation with terrorists. Fuck them, fuck them fuck them fuck them. FUCK THEM!

And in an interesting update, the ad has been rejected by FOX News and may even be illegal according to, get this, The McCain-Feingold Act


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

American Issues Project, who the hell are they? This ad seems so complex and convaluded. Flight 93? The Capital got bombed? What did Obama do? Who are these people?

I don't think this ads going anywhere.

RYAN! said...

I don't think there's anything inherently evil about making a campaign ad that uses your opponent's own words and associates to paint him in a bad light. Isn't that what politics has always been? Or maybe it's just always been inherently evil.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

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