Friday, August 29, 2008


Great speech last night, President Obama! Also thank you Sen. McCain for picking this woman as your VP.


lucy lawless said...

wow what a retarded pick, strictly political, i thought he was bringing the "experience"

RYAN! said...

At first I thought "Great! She sucks!" Now I think, "She looks like Tina Fey!" and America loves Tina Fey.

Bradley Glisson said...

I think it's a bad idea. She's a far right wing conservative. And I don't just mean that as a pejorative, I mean that as a statement of fact. She is pro-life and believes that abortion should be outlawed even in the case of rape, incest, or threat to the mothers life. She is anti-polar bear, like Stephen Colbert, and wants to have them removed off the roles of the endangered species list. She supports offshore drilling and drilling in ANWAR. She is a lifetime member of the NRA. Proudly shoots AK-47's and other high powered assault riffles and believes they should be legal everywhere including cities. She's a hockey mom who eats moose meat and believes they should be hunted year long. She is a long time supporter of Pat Buchanan (whom I adore for being the Ron Jaworski of politics). She was mayor of the city of Wakushi, population 3,600. Has been governor for 18 months (so it takes the inexperience issue off the table). And a month ago she was quoted on the record as calling Hillary Clinton a whiner. So I really doubt she's going to fire up women.

JlikeBoB said...


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...