Thursday, January 17, 2008

You will know who to Vote for in 90 Seconds

Not sure if you guys have taken one of these "Presidential Quizzes" yet but they are pretty interesting. Very limited and impersonal I suppose, but still kind of fun. I just finished the one below and believe it or not I actually matched up the most with my Cuyahoga boy Denny K. No joke.

Pencils ready:


RYAN! said...
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RYAN! said...

Your Results:
94% Chris Dodd
92% Barack Obama
90% John Edwards
89% Hillary Clinton
85% Joe Biden
82% Mike Gravel
81% Dennis Kucinich
78% Bill Richardson
45% Rudy Giuliani
35% John McCain
27% Mike Huckabee
25% Tom Tancredo
23% Mitt Romney
18% Ron Paul
14% Fred Thompson

Since Chris Dodd OD'd on H-tasy and choked on his own vom in a hotel room, it looks like I'm voting for Barack Obama!

Wait, oh, what? That was Brad Renfro? Nevermind, then. Always getting those two confused.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

My results:
80% Obama
79% Richardson
77% Clinton
77% Dodd
76% Edwards

I'm pleased with my results, but compared to Ryan, who had 94% in common with Dodd, my Obama and I only like 80% in common. You know what that means? I SHOULD RUN!

JlikeBoB said...

My results:
97% Billy Bob Thorton
94% Stephen Hawking
84% Larry King
82% Cal Ripken Jr
78% Jeb Bush
77% Spike Lee
77% Phil Jackson